Butt Touch Kiki Fatmala Not Interested Reported Jamil Saipul to Police

Kiki_Fatmala_Sex_HotButtocks untouched in front of many people by Jamil Saipul stage for Kiki Fatmala is very contemptuous. Despite Dilecehkan feeling, Kiki will not report the men who are frequently Umroh back to the police.

"Oops I seems there has not been up to deh (the police report-red)," Kiki said when contacted, Friday (6/3/2009).

Movie stars "Mas Suka go Aja 'it only asks for a sincere apology and direct from ipul, greeting familiar Saipul Jamil. The former husband of the Jonas Brothers have to fly at any event. But Kiki rate apology is only circumstantial only.

After bokongnya diremas, Kiki is emotional and reprimand ipul in the location syuting. After the reprimand ipul, Kiki also ask that syuting ago, held in February 2009 was terminated. He also chose to leave the location because syuting disappointed.

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